Halloween...I've never been a huge Halloween person. I decorate for fall and I like carving pumpkins (and eating everything pumpkin flavored) but I've never been one for witches, bats and scary things around the house. This year however, I'm totally excited! Probably because baby boy will be born in October and with Kalli getting older, it is so fun to think about fun costumes. Kalli is going to be a black kitty and baby is going to be a mouse. I decided that I wanted them to match while they still let me be the one picking their costumes. Can't wait to dress them up and share pics with you! Since I've been shopping for Halloween stuff for a few weeks (ehm, months), I thought I'd share some favorites for both little boys & girls. Kalli is obsessed with Room on the Broom. I found the movie on Hulu+ and we watch it with the book and turn pages and she will carry that book all over the place. Too cute!
Batty for Mommy | Orange Stripe Pants | Mummy Loves Me Onesie | One, Two Boo! | Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin | Happy Halloween Stinky Face
Black Cat shirt | Black Cat Knit Beanie | Boo Orange Stripe Pajamas | Purple Skeleton Pajamas | Little Owls Night | Room on the Broom | Sequin Cat Pillow
Friday, October 3
Tuesday, September 23
Girl Time
I absolutely love it when I get girl time! Yes, I get my fill of time with Kalli who is my ultimate girl but I mean my friends, who are my age. Sometimes that is nice too! A bunch of us got together on Sunday afternoon and did a project that we saw on Pinterest.
I love how they turned out!!! It was a beautiful day and our friends have this big new shop that we worked in. We chit chatted, ate sugar cookie bars and went home with this awesome project that I never would have had time to do on my own. We've already made plans to do it again in November and are going to try to keep doing it every 6 weeks. I'm hosting November and we're going to make Christmas stuff! Yay, my favorite!!!
I seem to be cramming in the girl stuff before this baby comes in October. This weekend my mother in law, sister in law and I are going to get pedicures and do some shopping. Next week, a local business is hosting a Ladies Night Out and a bunch of us are going to that too. They have vendors, snacks, drinks & some pampering like nails, etc. I should be all relaxed and full of me time before the 6th when we head to the hospital for our c-section! Right?!
Speaking of girls... My sister in law found out she is having a GIRL!!! We all thought it was a boy and we're so excited for her and her husband. I just had to send her a little pink happy present the day after they told us. I hope you are all getting a little me time or a day with your friends! It's such a great way to reset and relax! Oh, and Happy Fall!!!
Thursday, September 18
Getting Ready for Baby - Cooking & Baking
Things have been so crazy around here! I thought we had plenty of time until baby was here but now we're down to almost 2 weeks! Just 2 weeks people! I think I was ready three months ahead of time with Kalli but the time has just disappeared this time around. I have just two projects left for baby's room & then I need to go dig out the car seat, baby bath, breast pump & who knows what else. The one thing that I have accomplished...freezer cooking. And I am sooo excited that I have so much done.
- Cashew Chicken
- Terriyaki Chicken
- Homemade Runzas
- Ham & Potato Casserole
- Beef Stew
- Mexican Chicken
- Chicken breasts (portioned & ready for something quick)
- Lasagna
- Tater Tot Casserole
Speaking of fall, apparently the cool weather combined with my nesting instinct has also kicked off an urge to bake! We've had some yummy sweets & breakfasts around here lately. We'll just say it's all for the baby. ;)
Saturday morning I made these quick 60 minute cinnamon rolls & Sunday I made this pumpkin baked oatmeal. Both turned out so good. I am loving all the fall recipes out there and my Pinterest is just full of them! Check it out here.
So yeah, I would say that food wise, we are definitely ready for baby. We can not wait and hope that these last 2-ish weeks fly by super fast. I'm telling myself that I still have 3 weekends at least so I gotta kick it in gear and work, work, work!!
Best news this week...we're going to have a niece!!! Totally thought that my sister-in-law and her husband were having a boy but we're so excited for the surprise that they are actually having a girl! Bring on more pink!
Best news this week...we're going to have a niece!!! Totally thought that my sister-in-law and her husband were having a boy but we're so excited for the surprise that they are actually having a girl! Bring on more pink!
Friday, September 12
Friday Favorites - Big Sister Edition
Not only will we be adding a new baby boy to our family in October, but Kalli is becoming a big sister. As excited as we are to meet this baby boy, I'm so excited to see her grow into her new roll too! She is already so good at being helpful and loves to take care of her baby doll. She wraps her in a blanket, pushes her in the stroller, feeds her with a bottle and will rock and sing to her. She is so sweet and knows that I have a baby in my tummy and will randomly give my belly kisses unprompted. *heart melt* I've been getting a big sister "present from baby" ready for her because I want her to have something special/exciting for just her from the baby. Here's a bunch of items that would be perfect for a little girl taking on the exciting new roll of big sister!
I included some stuff that is "big sister" specific and some that is just fun stuff for Kalli. We've been reading the "My New Baby" book to Kalli for a while now and she seems to like seeing the different stuff that big girls do and babies do. When we ask her where Kalli is, she will point to the big girl. I got the play doh so she will have something fun to do at Grandma & Grandpa's that night and for the week when my mom will be here helping. The stickers are for when she's in the hospital visiting us and gets impatient or too crazy! She has also started having an obsession with her socks now that it's getting cool out. She will not let anyone take them off and when we do she throws a fit unless we let her carry them around with her. Makes for some stinky cute little toes!
We will be cuddling inside this weekend because it is seriously almost cold here! Bring on the football and soup! Have a great weekend!
I included some stuff that is "big sister" specific and some that is just fun stuff for Kalli. We've been reading the "My New Baby" book to Kalli for a while now and she seems to like seeing the different stuff that big girls do and babies do. When we ask her where Kalli is, she will point to the big girl. I got the play doh so she will have something fun to do at Grandma & Grandpa's that night and for the week when my mom will be here helping. The stickers are for when she's in the hospital visiting us and gets impatient or too crazy! She has also started having an obsession with her socks now that it's getting cool out. She will not let anyone take them off and when we do she throws a fit unless we let her carry them around with her. Makes for some stinky cute little toes!
We will be cuddling inside this weekend because it is seriously almost cold here! Bring on the football and soup! Have a great weekend!
Monday, September 8
Our Lately
Hello to another Monday. I'm really dragging today. It's warmed back up to the mid 80's but is supposed to be down in the 50's later this week. We haven't really been up to a whole lot lately which is why I haven't posted a lot. The allergies have reared their ugly heads and I feel itchy and sneezy by the end of every day. So that means Kalli either gets to stay inside with me or go to the shop with Dad for a while. She doesn't mind, as long as I have Frozen on for her.
We've slowly been working through some projects and to-do lists but I'm not quite ready to share yet. We took a break and took Kalli to her first Husker volleyball game last weekend. We decided that she's probably a little too young but she really like Lil' Red during time outs. And of course we thought she looked adorable in her Husker red!
As you can see, I'm getting really pregnant. We're 35 weeks now so I'm counting down my last 4 weeks until we get to meet this little guy. But oh what a long 4 weeks they will be. The swelling is starting along with not being able to sleep...at all. I waddle and my hips and legs hurt all day. Soon, very soon I tell myself. Nothing a little fall pumpkin spice cookie/bar/coffee/roll can't cure. (Along with some Tums!)
Be back soon with baby room projects & a few other fun things! Happy Fall y'all!
Friday, September 5
Hospital Bag Packing
We're counting down weeks and I'm getting so anxious and excited! I've been making a list of things to pack just so I don't forget anything and just in case I go into labor before our c-section date. I'll be putting together my bag about a week or two ahead of time so I thought I'd share my list with you guys. I know that there are a TON of lists out there for what to pack to take to the hospital. I know because I searched and read a million of them when I was preparing for Kalli...and then I over packed. It's really not that complicated and I've learned a few things just from doing it once (the wrong way). Since this is a repeat C-section for me, my hospital bag may be different than most but take from it what you will. This may not be the same for everyone so do what suits you best.
For Mommy - Last time, I didn't take a shower the first day (we had her in the evening the day before), stayed in my hospital gown and for clothes I had brought some loose t-shirts & my husband's shorts. I have no idea why I did this because I looked terrible in pictures and I probably would have felt better if I'd looked better or had some cute clothes. This time, I'm just taking some of my maternity yoga pants, nursing tops & a zip up sweatshirt for if it's cold in the room. I'll take some slippers to walk around in and just wear some flats when I show up at the hospital and then wear those again when we leave.
Don't worry about taking a lot of personal bathroom items (ehm, lady items). They will give you everything you need and it's only for a couple days so it will be fine to just use theirs. I am taking my own travel size items like shampoo, toothpaste, facial wipes & deodorant. For hair & make-up, I'm just taking the basics - powder, mascara, bobby pin, hair tie and some mousse if I feel like fixing my hair a little after my shower.
Don't take a breast pump to the hospital. They should give you one and most insurances will actually now cover a breast pump for each pregnancy. I didn't use it while I was there anyways. I am taking breast pads though. If your milk comes in or if you're already leaking these could come in handy.
Do make sure you take your electronics (phone, camera, ipad/kindle) for a little entertainment & don't forget the chargers! Our hospital gave us a camera to use while we were there and then gave us a disc with all the pictures on it when we left. But, it's nice to have your own too and of course your phone so you can share the happy news with family & friends. I used an app to track feedings last time so I will definitely need my electronics this time around too.
For Baby - Take an outfit for coming home and maybe one other one if it's super important to you but the hospital will provide some sleep sacks while you're there and they will be the ones changing their clothes for the most part anyways. Do take some socks, mittens, a onesie & a hat for the little one. Again, the hospital will probably provide these things but it's nice to have your own, especially for going home. The hospital will have blankets too but I'm still going to take one of my own to cover myself with while nursing and a warm one for in the car seat when we leave. Don't bother taking anything else for baby. They will seriously have everything you could possibly need and will most likely send it all home with you.
I honestly can not wait to actually pack my hospital bag! I'm one of those crazy planner people and getting stuff like this done makes everything so much more exciting and real. I'm also busy getting a present ready for Kalli "from the baby" and I will be back to share all of my ideas on that soon too! Have a great weekend!
For Mommy - Last time, I didn't take a shower the first day (we had her in the evening the day before), stayed in my hospital gown and for clothes I had brought some loose t-shirts & my husband's shorts. I have no idea why I did this because I looked terrible in pictures and I probably would have felt better if I'd looked better or had some cute clothes. This time, I'm just taking some of my maternity yoga pants, nursing tops & a zip up sweatshirt for if it's cold in the room. I'll take some slippers to walk around in and just wear some flats when I show up at the hospital and then wear those again when we leave.
Don't worry about taking a lot of personal bathroom items (ehm, lady items). They will give you everything you need and it's only for a couple days so it will be fine to just use theirs. I am taking my own travel size items like shampoo, toothpaste, facial wipes & deodorant. For hair & make-up, I'm just taking the basics - powder, mascara, bobby pin, hair tie and some mousse if I feel like fixing my hair a little after my shower.
Don't take a breast pump to the hospital. They should give you one and most insurances will actually now cover a breast pump for each pregnancy. I didn't use it while I was there anyways. I am taking breast pads though. If your milk comes in or if you're already leaking these could come in handy.
Do make sure you take your electronics (phone, camera, ipad/kindle) for a little entertainment & don't forget the chargers! Our hospital gave us a camera to use while we were there and then gave us a disc with all the pictures on it when we left. But, it's nice to have your own too and of course your phone so you can share the happy news with family & friends. I used an app to track feedings last time so I will definitely need my electronics this time around too.
For Baby - Take an outfit for coming home and maybe one other one if it's super important to you but the hospital will provide some sleep sacks while you're there and they will be the ones changing their clothes for the most part anyways. Do take some socks, mittens, a onesie & a hat for the little one. Again, the hospital will probably provide these things but it's nice to have your own, especially for going home. The hospital will have blankets too but I'm still going to take one of my own to cover myself with while nursing and a warm one for in the car seat when we leave. Don't bother taking anything else for baby. They will seriously have everything you could possibly need and will most likely send it all home with you.
I honestly can not wait to actually pack my hospital bag! I'm one of those crazy planner people and getting stuff like this done makes everything so much more exciting and real. I'm also busy getting a present ready for Kalli "from the baby" and I will be back to share all of my ideas on that soon too! Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, August 19
Third Trimester
Oh, only a few more weeks! It will be here before you know it! Cherish these last months. The good things I hear. You like like you're ready to pop! How many more "days"? Haven't you had that baby yet? The not so good things. Granted, I have said all of these to myself in my head at some point. The third trimester is the craziest of crazy roller coasters.
I'm always halfway between knowing baby should keep baking until the last moment and just wanting him to come early so this pregnancy can be over. I love his little kicks and rolls and knowing I'm doing something super cool but seriously, I also would love to sit, walk, sleep, drive and basically move like a normal person again.
Hello third trimester. Crazy emotions, crying for no reason, check. Lack of sleep, weird dreams, rolling around and changing positions every 45 minutes , check. Worrying about everything and counting down days, weeks, doctor appointments, weekends and anything else that can be counted down. Check.
I'm there. 6 1/2 weeks left until our c-section date and it seems like forever. I have the most sympathy ever for those moms who are currently past their due dates. I'd be pulling my hair out (and my husbands). So here I am at 32 weeks.
How far along: 32 weeks
Gender: BOY!
Weight Gain: 30+ lbs
Maternity Clothes: yes, wearing a lot of skirts at work and stretchy tanks at home
Stretch Marks: yes
Belly Button in or out: out-ish
Sleep: tossing & turning, weird dreams and my back and hips hurt
Best moment this week: staying home playing with Kalli & getting stuff, so much gardening!
Worst moment this week: Kalli having bronchiolitis, strep & pneumonia, nebulizer treatments & antibiotics. Me having another ultrasound, worried about being transferred to Omaha for c-section
Miss anything: clothes fitting, a glass of wine and good sleep
Movement: still lots of rolling around, he flipped head down finally
Cravings: none
Queasy or sick: no
Looking forward to: football season, cool weather & meeting this little guy!!!
Also, a warning. If you search Pinterest for third trimester sleep and they tell you to excercise....pppfffttt!!!! Go eat a bowl of ice cream and watch something stupid on TV. They're just crazy! And then go for a 5 minute walk if you feel really guilty. But only 5 minutes because you will probably feel like that was 5 miles. And that's okay! Best of luck to any of you other moms to be out there!
Friday, August 15
Sick Week + Football Favorites
Yeah, that's right...sick week. Kalli has been sick to be exact and not even really "sick". We thought it was just allergies & congestion but when it wouldn't go away I decided to take her in to the doctor. It was bronchiolitis, strep throat and a touch of pneumonia. YIKES! So we have spent the entire week at home doing nebulizer treatments and taking antibiotics. However, the mornings have been sooo nice that we try to get some outside time before the wind picks up all the stinkin' pollen and makes us feel like crap again. She's been a trooper and is doing much better. Back to daycare and work for mom next week as usual.

Those cool mornings have me wishing for fall though. I am so ready to jump into a sweater/hoodie, eat all things pumpkin and decorate like crazy! But yes, I would be crazy! It's only August....but, August at least means one thing good! FOOTBALL! So excited for Husker season to officially start and excited that this little babe will be a fall football baby. Luckily, we will be "interrupting" zero football games with his birth since the weekend after he's born is a by week. In the spirit of football season, we created some football burlap hangers at our final summer camp/food fest last weekend.
I've also been going crazy looking at all the cute football themed decor stuff out on Pinterest. How about this play chalkboard?
And I will definitely be doing a game schedule chalkboard like this. I have the perfect chalkboard in mind. I think a cute washi tape banner would look great hanging on the chalkboard too. Like this one...only red.

This amazing wood pallet N is perfect but I seriously don't have time for that. So I'm thinking something a little more simple...like this HOME print. I could whip that up on the computer and frame it super quick.
And finally, what is this baby boy going to wear while cheering on the Huskers?! I picked up a cute little knit football beanie from a local shop and I think it will look so cute with this Nebraska onesie and a pair of Husker socks.
Kalli and I both have new Husker t-shirts and I"m working on some fun hair bows for her. She doesn't leave them very long but oh well! I hope you're enjoying the last little hurrah of summer and also the cool mornings letting us know that fall is on the way. I'm off to sneak in some pumpkin flavored coffee...it's the least that I can do to get a little festive! :)
Friday, August 8
2nd Go Around
I read something the other day about the realities of the third trimester and some of them hit the nail right on the head. It made me start thinking about this pregnancy in comparison to my first pregnancy and I just wanted to share a little. It's not something I have been thinking a whole lot about because it has been so easy this time around (don't shoot me!), but there have been definite changes being pregnant for the 2nd time.
- Kalli - I was so sick & nauseous all the time! #2- just a tiny bit in the beginning
- Kalli - There was huge weight gain, I retained water, had adema, couldn't wear my wedding rings, got carpal tunnel and I broke out all over my face like a teenager. #2 - No swelling, experiencing that pregnancy "glow" and weight gain has been decent but not extreme like last time.
- Kalli - I read all the pregnancy books. #2 - I open up a pregnancy countdown app once in a while.
- Kalli - I took pictures every week with a chalk board showing how big baby was.
- #2 - I only take pictures whenever I feel like it...but I have been at least filling out a little questionnaire thing every week with this one!
- First time around, I took naps ALL the time, whenever I wanted...now it's not so easy with a toddler that I'm trying to keep up with.
- I was showing my baby bump/full on belly super early this time! People are surprised when they ask me how much longer I have and I say 2 months. Had a lady this morning ask me how many more "days" ?!?!
- I definitely wanted to buy maternity clothes this time around after I realized too late last time that they are much more flattering than just bigger sizes in normal clothes.
- I'm now growing out of maternity clothes and buying even bigger sizes. :(
- Bought a fetal doppler this time around and it was so worth it and so much fun!
- Braxton Hicks are crazy this time around! I'm so afraid that I will go into labor before my C-section date because I just don't want any surprises this time around.
So here we are at 31 weeks, 8 more weeks to go!!! Can I just say how happy I am to have finally passed the 30 week mark?! It just seems like time will fly now. I can not wait to meet this little guy and introduce him to his big sister. She is so cute, running around the house and pointing out things that are "baby's". We were playing in the baby room last night as I hung some stuff on the wall and when I said we were all done she picked up all of baby's toys then ran to her room yelling "mine!", grabbed a bunch of her toys and books and plopped down to make sure we spend time in there too. Too cute! Here's a quick run down of this mama at 31 weeks. Now hurry up and get here October!
How far along: 31
Gender: BOY!
Weight Gain: 30
Maternity Clothes:
yes, actually growing out of some maternity clothes
Stretch Marks: yes
Belly Button in
or out: out-ish
Sleep: okay
some nights, toss & turn others
Best moment
this week: started canning green beans & freezing corn
Worst moment
this week: Kalli & I both have colds/allergies/sinus infection
Miss anything: clothes
fitting, so tired of trying to cover the bottom half of my tummy!
Movement: still
lots of rolling around
Cravings: none, actually had a decrease in appetite all together
Queasy or sick:
Looking forward
to: leggings, sweaters & pumpkin flavored everything!
Monday, August 4
Weekend Fun
Hello to another Monday! Back to work but at least we had a fun weekend. Saturday morning we packed up for the day and made the two hour trip up to my grandma's cabin on the Missouri. It turned out to be a pretty warm day but Kalli loved the water!
During nap my parents, Chad and I played some Phase 10 and ate snacks. The guys took a break to relax in the tubes, although I'm not sure they had this figured out. All rested and ready for more, it was back to the water, driving lessons on the golf cart and selfies on the dock.
After our two hour drive home, we all crashed pretty early Saturday night. We woke up bright and early Sunday for chirch and then went to the firemens pancake feed. Kalli and I are really struggling with allergies so then it was time for nap. When we woke up, Dad had our afternoon of fun all figured out. He made Kalli a tunnel out of a big cardboard box! Sometimes it's okay when daddy buys more toys, aka another toolbox. Kalli really loved it when I gave her a little flashlight!
That was our weekend and we loved every minute of it! What did your weekend look like? Are you busy soaking up what feels like the last few bits of summer? Hope it was a blast!
Friday, August 1
Friday Favorites
Okay, I'm going to start doing one of these posts. You know, the one where people share a bunch of stuff that they really like all in one post? I thought about doing it on a different day or something but Friday just works (and makes the post title sound better). I'm not some super woman person who has awesome taste or anything, I just like to gush about fun stuff that I like.
Found this blogger mom WTFellers when I was reading through my Feedly and she guest posted at Pregnant Chicken. It's all about the Do's & Dont's of Bringing Home Baby 2.0+. Warning, it is a LONG post, but SOOOO funny. I love honesty & sarcasm and she has loads of it. It's great when something makes you laugh because it's true and someone was brave enough to point it out.
This aden + anais cozy muslin swaddle blanket (in plum). Kalli has one that I bought through Citrus Lane and she has all of a sudden gotten super attached to it again. She's never had a blankie or binkie that she just had to have but now there are tears if this blanket is not in sight. It's so soft and comfy that I want an adult size and will be getting this gray one for baby boy.
Loving and laughing at how smart this little/big girl has gotten! She moo's at cows but has now started to say it as a question...moo? moo? She yells "D" at the TV when Wheel of Fortune is one and laughs or claps along with the audience of any show we are watching. Seriously, too funny!
Found this blogger mom WTFellers when I was reading through my Feedly and she guest posted at Pregnant Chicken. It's all about the Do's & Dont's of Bringing Home Baby 2.0+. Warning, it is a LONG post, but SOOOO funny. I love honesty & sarcasm and she has loads of it. It's great when something makes you laugh because it's true and someone was brave enough to point it out.
This aden + anais cozy muslin swaddle blanket (in plum). Kalli has one that I bought through Citrus Lane and she has all of a sudden gotten super attached to it again. She's never had a blankie or binkie that she just had to have but now there are tears if this blanket is not in sight. It's so soft and comfy that I want an adult size and will be getting this gray one for baby boy.
Also, jumping ahead of myself because I'm so over the heat of summer...and bugs....and humidity. I've been looking at getting stuff ready for Kalli's second birthday party (so I don't have to do it after baby comes). Loving glitter and sparkles!!! Just a few ideas I found on Pinterest. I think we're going to do a sparkle & shine theme with lots of glitter and girly things.
Well Mother Nature must like me because it's going to be unusually cool here for the first weekend in August and we will be headed up to the family cabin. Have a great weekend all!
Monday, July 28
Post also titled "Going Crazy!" So it's pretty obvious that this is going to be about my out of control nesting habits right now. But let me tell you before you judge, they are based on reality! This last week I had the amazing blessing of being able to stay home one day and watch Kalli and a friend of ours' little girl. She's 7 months old and adorable as can be! I had so much fun but at the end of the day, I thought to myself (and out loud to my husband) "I have to get ALL of my to do list done before this baby!!!" I had about a 45 minute over lap where both girls were sleeping and I used that time to straighten up and get the necessities done. I quickly realized there would be no more time for big projects once this baby gets here in October and honestly, I don't want to do anything but cuddle him and play with Kalli. So, here's my massive list of projects big & small. It won't hurt my feelings if some of these don't get done but I might as well put this crazy nesting instinct to good use and try!
Baby Stuff
- sew changing pad covers
- sew teething rail covers
- arrow wall decor
- ABC wall decor
- gallery wall
- re-finish dresser
- find/cover boxes for closet storage
- pallet/letter wall decor (will have baby's initial)
- find/cover boxes for closet storage
- pallet/letter wall decor (will have baby's initial)
Other Stuff
- fill nail holes in our bedroom and touchup paint
- fix our broken kitchen bench
- re-do the weather stripping around our front door
- make boxes for DVD storage
- cover some boxes for toy storage in our book shelves
- sand/paint headboard for Kalli
- sand/seal old door for our headboard
- fix wobbly dishwasher
- create play kitchen for Kalli out of old cupboard (Christmas present)
- build sliding shelf for clothes baskets
- caulk crack in cement by back door
- paint & put together corner door shelf
- frame our caricature
- stain back of porch bench
In progress baby dresser and adorable rustic old ladder that I will have to use for something!
*Mini-update before I actually had time to post this one... I had my monthly check-up and was given "take it easy" orders because I am having SOOO many Braxton Hicks contractions. Bummer for this nesting mama! I am not tackling this list one tiny project or one tiny piece of each project at a time. Slow & steady wins the race? I have gotten a few smaller projects done in the baby room that I will share later this week though.
Happy Monday!
- fill nail holes in our bedroom and touchup paint
- fix our broken kitchen bench
- re-do the weather stripping around our front door
- make boxes for DVD storage
- cover some boxes for toy storage in our book shelves
- sand/paint headboard for Kalli
- sand/seal old door for our headboard
- fix wobbly dishwasher
- create play kitchen for Kalli out of old cupboard (Christmas present)
- build sliding shelf for clothes baskets
- caulk crack in cement by back door
- paint & put together corner door shelf
- frame our caricature
- stain back of porch bench
Pantry cupboard finally got shelves! Yay organization!
*Mini-update before I actually had time to post this one... I had my monthly check-up and was given "take it easy" orders because I am having SOOO many Braxton Hicks contractions. Bummer for this nesting mama! I am not tackling this list one tiny project or one tiny piece of each project at a time. Slow & steady wins the race? I have gotten a few smaller projects done in the baby room that I will share later this week though.
Happy Monday!
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