Friday, August 1

Friday Favorites

Okay, I'm going to start doing one of these posts. You know, the one where people share a bunch of stuff that they really like all in one post? I thought about doing it on a different day or something but Friday just works (and makes the post title sound better). I'm not some super woman person who has awesome taste or anything, I just like to gush about fun stuff that I like.
Found this blogger mom WTFellers when I was reading through my Feedly and she guest posted at Pregnant Chicken. It's all about the Do's & Dont's of Bringing Home Baby 2.0+. Warning, it is a LONG post, but SOOOO funny. I love honesty & sarcasm and she has loads of it. It's great when something makes you laugh because it's true and someone was brave enough to point it out.

This aden + anais cozy muslin swaddle blanket (in plum). Kalli has one that I bought through Citrus Lane and she has all of a sudden gotten super attached to it again. She's never had a blankie or binkie that she just had to have but now there are tears if this blanket is not in sight. It's so soft and comfy that I want an adult size and will be getting this gray one for baby boy.
Loving and laughing at how smart this little/big girl has gotten! She moo's at cows but has now started to say it as a question...moo? moo? She yells "D" at the TV when Wheel of Fortune is one and laughs or claps along with the audience of any show we are watching. Seriously, too funny!
Also, jumping ahead of myself because I'm so over the heat of summer...and bugs....and humidity. I've been looking at getting stuff ready for Kalli's second birthday party (so I don't have to do it after baby comes). Loving glitter and sparkles!!! Just a few ideas I found on Pinterest. I think we're going to do a sparkle & shine theme with lots of glitter and girly things.

Well Mother Nature must like me because it's going to be unusually cool here for the first weekend in August and we will be headed up to the family cabin. Have a great weekend all!

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