Monday, August 22

Not Just Pinning, But Doing!!!

I finished up a project that has been on my to-do list for a few months now and I couldn't be happier! I haven't had any strawberries in my garden for the 2 years that we've lived here now and I really wanted some. A lady that Chad works with was thinning out her patch this fall so I told her that I would take some. Our garden is still a little rough though and I didn't want to take up any more of the lawn or have to till up the tall grasses under the trees. Enter Pinterest...
Source: via Janae on Pinterest

Source: via Christy on Pinterest

I really don't like being down on my hands and knees in the garden so I thought that these raised beds would be a great idea for the strawberries. Since Chad has been working on re-modeling our old barn, there has been a surplus of old lumber laying around. Some of it is not in the best shape and I usually can't find the size of board that I need but I went looking in the loft for something that would work for these beds. I found a few 4x4 posts and a whole pile of old floor boards that would work great! I dug out a box of screws and the chop saw and went to work.
My beds measure 6 feet x 3 feet. One bed is 3 boards high and the other is 2 boards high. I just screwed the old floor boards into the 4x4 as show above in the picture. Then we set them in place on top of the tall grasses that I didn't want to till up and Chad brought over a few tractor buckets full of dirt. After he dumped it, we leveled them and scooped the dirt in and around until they were all set and ready for strawberries. After planting, this is what my new raised garden beds look like!!! (the strawberries will look a little sad until their root systems grow down into the new soil)

I also go the border of the garden done and decided to extend it out towards our lonely pear tree. You can see the border a little bit in these pictures, it's old fence posts! So my new raised beds and my garden border are done and they were free (so were the strawberries)! Did you get any big projects done over the weekend? I'd love to see them!
Thanks for stopping by everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Great job reusing the wood. I'm dying to put a couple raised beds in...maybe next year. No wood and no dirt. Your's look great and free is pretty darn good too!
