Wednesday, March 23

Spring is Here!

We've actually had a few nice days so far! It's been around 50 or 60 degrees and one day it was even 70, but now it's just going to hang out at 50, be gray and windy, and possibly rain. Well, that's spring for sure and I'm glad it's finally here!
This time last year, we had just brought home a new puppy and were loving all of our play time with her. Well, that puppy is now a big rambunctious "puppy" who loves to see us come home and drive into the driveway. She loves catching her own tail, throwing toys in the air, chasing her shadow and bringing anything she finds interesting up into the yard to show us. We love her so much and couldn't be happier to have our little golden friend there everyday to greet us with a wet nose and wagging tail. 
This layout is a picture of Mya last April or May when she was still little. I used Erica's paper to digital challenge over at 2Peas for the design and layout of the page. All credits can be found here.