This was by far probably the hardest day for me. I barely took any pictures! I definitely still took notes so I will probably have to supplement pics from other days and just write in details about the things that happen everyday for these pages.

Woke up at 4:00 and heard Mya crying and howling from her pen. This is the first time I’ve ever heard that and it kinda worried me. Then woke up at 5:30 having a dream about Brenda telling me Mya was crying and I was trying to answer her out loud.
6:00 Shower and get ready. Like the blonde hair color much better today. Get Mya out and she’s fine and very happy to see me. Tell Chad goodbye and kiss.
7:15 Jeep is acting up again and the check engine light comes on. Cylinders miss firing and it won’t run right. Call Dad and am not happy that I will have to spend money on this.
7:30 At work and the field files for the dry machine won’t work. Jump drives won’t work and we finally get an old floppy disk. 8:15 have donut because that will make me feel better 8:30 have coffee also make me feel better
8:41 make appointment to take Jeep in tomorrow to have it checked out again
10:18 reading Ali Edwards’ Wednesday and found this. I think I want to print it really nice and frame it somewhere in my house, preferably in the kitchen or by one of the doors. “As I was ending my day I came across this quote from Emerson: Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
12:35 Exhausted! So many billing problems and seed corn is starting to go out so keeping track of that is getting crazy! Frank gave me a bottle of peach wine for secretary’s day…just what I need today!!!
12:55 Eat left over hamburger casserole, remember that the NFL draft is tonight. Have to watch and see what happens to Suh.
Been busy with shipments and transfers of seed…Brenda pops in at 4:00 to say hi and tells me she got an internship out in Sydney, NE for the summer! Very exciting but now I won’t get to hang out with her. We’re having drinks tonight to celebrate.
5:15 still working on seed
6:00 run to ALCO quick and return page protectors…the side with the holes is white and I want clear
6:15 get home, open package from Snapfish and put 8x10 pic of us at central park in the frame that has been empty for 6 months, discuss supper, we have no brats or digorno so we go back into town for subway
6:45 Eat subs, check out new scrap package that I got today, and watch DVR’d NFL draft where Suh is the second pick and goes to the Detroit Lyons…I might start watching NFL football for the first time in my life
7:00 go outside and play with Mya, we’re working on teaching her to stay…she does not want to learn “lay down”
Go inside and work on cleaning up last night’s dishes
8:00 Brenda comes over and we have a drink while watching Private Practice and Pawn Stars …I don’t like channel surfing or flipping back and forth…it’s just not relaxing
Chad goes outside to play with Mya some more
8:45 Brenda leaves and we watch more TV, Chad checks weather and it’s definitely going to rain, I change the alarm to 7 instead of 6 because I won’t have to be at work early with the rain, watch TV
10:15 go to bed