Well I decided that I needed to survey the damage and see if I finished any of the goals that I set out to accomplish. If you weren't reading my blog when I started, here's a refresher.
1. Blog
2. Take pics of all layouts I've done and upload
3. Find blogs/challenges to follow
4. Clean and finish basement for a scrap room
Where I stand ...(not literally, I'm actually sitting)
Pics of layouts...
check! (kinda - I still have a few I need to retake the pics of)
Take a look at my sidebar and you will find all of the super cool blogs that I like to peruse. My 2 super-duper-ist favorites are
Handmade Love and
Stacy Julian.
Handmade Love is a challenge blog made up of a group of really fun girls with super great ideas. I do like to do my own thing and just stick paper and pictures down lots of times but with my piles & piles of pics, this blog really helps me use up my supplies and pictures in creative ways that I might not have before! Most of the layouts here on my blog are actually done for their challenges. So...go check them out and join in the fun! They have some fun prizes too so you never know!
Stacy Julian is just really inspirational and fun! She has sprinkles & color & music & podcasts! I've been working with one of her ideas but more on that later...all I will say for now is "scrap BIG"
and finally...
Clean the basement for my new scrap room...
a big fat NOPE!
I did paint two walls and my parents brought my counter top and bookshelf but I'm still scrapping in my living room/dining room/spare bedroom!
Scrap Our Stash Challenge blog is having a challenge to clean and organize your disastrous scrap rooms so I'm trying to remember to take a picture of it now to submit and hopefully by the end of March I can have it ready to go.
Which brings me to my new goals...
- Finish basement for scrap room ...bet you didn't see that one being at the top of the list ;)
- Complete my "Finish Line Scrapbooking" project from Stacy Julian
- Scrap winter storm pictures using a new idea inspired by ScrapbookPatty - she uses sectioned page protectors and then fills in some of the spaces with pictures and some with scrapped areas...very cool!
All of my other goals include nagging a "certain someone" to get busy and help me finish all of our house projects...not likely as planting will be starting soon.
Finally, I just want to show you something really cool from
Scarlet Lime that I really REALLY want! Cute huh!