Wednesday, December 8

December Daily 5-7

Last night I was working frantically to get caught up with my DD. This is a lot harder than it looks people! I'm having fun though and now that the house is decorated and documented, I think I'm going to start sharing some stories and favorite memories and that sort of thing with my DD.
Here are the pages I completed last night.
Day 5
I can't share the second page for day 5 because I was working on wedding things that my MOH/future SIL can't see and she does check here regularly! Hi Brenda! ;)
Day 6
On day 6, I included an envelope that served as a journaling spot about our Christmas cards and will also hold our Christmas letter when it is written. 
Day 7
On day 7, I had to include this picture of Chad making rice krispies so I used that cute post card digital frame. I love the mix of digital and paper that I can use in this album!

Thanks for looking at my December Daily!


  1. This is so cute. I just did a DD post today too. LOL. I didnt realize you were doing one too. LOL.

  2. I know what you mean that this DD is harder then it looks! Keep up the great work. Your pages are coming out nicely!

  3. Love those wedding shoes! Nice pages.

  4. Love looking at how your DD is progressing. Very nice.
