Wednesday, September 1

September Challenge

If you're a scrapper or card maker and have never checked out 2Peas in a Bucket, this is the month to head over there (there is a link in my sidebar). 

There is a group of "young" scrappers that I love chatting with everyday. We are somewhat young in age (most of us 20s) but we think age is a matter of the mind. If you feel young come join us! (we're on the message boards) This month I am offering up a RAK for a random winner who completes one, all or any of the challenges that I have issued here!

This is the page that I made for one of the challenges. Enjoy and go create something!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously I have never checked out the "Young" scrappers because of the name...I didn't think I fit into the "Young" catagory anymore....even though I am young at heart LOL.
