Wednesday, June 9

Finally a Layout!

I've been busy playing outside with our puppy (who is growing like a weed!) Speaking of weeds, I was about ready to just till up the whole garden last week...there are so many weeds! We're finishing up some house work so that the whole project is d-o-n-e when Chad's family comes to visit for the 4th. I did find some free time and got to work on this layout. Over at 2Peas, I hang out with a group of girls and we're doing some fun little challenges for the summer. The first was to scraplift a pea in your favorites, next was to make a homemade embellishment and mine this week is to use a sketch. This layout could have been for the lift or the sketch but we'll just say it's for the embellishments. I used a bunch of different pictures I had of my time working at US Bank during college. Enjoy! We're going on vacation to Worlds/Oceans of Fun next week!

I also thought I would share a few pictures of our growing puppy in her new pool!


  1. Love the 2 pager! So many pictures! Fabulous!!!

    Mya in the pool is TOO CUTE!

  2. looking at the size of the puppy and the size of the pool - I think you will need to UPsize soon LOL

  3. My kids want a dog so bad, might have to wait til we get back to the states, they are so expensive here and the cost for caring for them too .. love the pics and that layout ..

  4. Your layout is so fun. Love all the photo's you included on it.
    Your puppy is adorable.

  5. Love the seeing multiphoto layouts. OMG! The puppy is too stinkin' cute.

  6. she's getting all tall and gangly! so cute :) and an awesome 2 pager!

  7. Great layout and oh my that puppy is some adorable!!
