Saturday, February 26

Some Saturday News and a Layout

I wanted to stop in this morning to share some exciting news! About a week and a half ago, I got an email from Iara asking me to be a guest on her creative team! I was so excited that she had liked my gallery enough to ask me to help create pages with her wonderful digital products. So, of course I said yes right away! You can see the full kit and other creative team pages at her blog and you can get the kit for yourself at Scrapbook Graphics. Here is the page I created with the wonderful Storyteller kit! 
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 17

I Love my Dog

Yes, I love that cut adorable golden retriever that you've all seen featured here on my blog quite often...BUT... today I'm talking about my little wiener dog! (the title of my layout was almost "I Love my Wiener...just cuz it's funny, but then I thought twice)
Over at Two Peas in a Bucket, Erica posts a template challenge every Wednesday and this week, my friend Shannon's layout was the inspiration for the template! Here is my layout and you should go check it out if you want to play along!

Monday, February 14

The Story of Us

Happy Valentines Day friends! While it is a pretty big holiday to some, it's not all that important to me. I don't require flowers, jewelry or chocolate...ok well, chocolate would be nice! I guess I did make some Valentine sugar cookies this weekend but that about it for the whole red and pink stuff. 
But, since Valentines Day is about love (which in my opinion, should be shown all year round, not just one day) I made a page about how my fiancĂ© and I met. It's nothing gushy and sweet and it was definitely not the way I imagined meeting my future hubby but oh well! It's our story.

Thursday, February 10

It's Printing Time

Happy Thursday! I have a link for you today that you may have already seen but I am super happy about it today. I am new to the digital scrapbooking world. So, I have played around in PSE8 and I've made a handful of pages. Printing is another story. So many digi scrappers talk about where they print, how often they print or if they print at all, but I wouldn't be scrapping these pictures if I didn't want to look at them, so I knew that I would want to print out my layouts. Well, right now is having a great sale on 12x12 prints! Check it out here.

This is one of the layouts that I ordered this morning. I have almost finished scrapping all my printed pictures so I wanted to go back through my files on my computer and see which pictures I might have missed. I found these WAY back in the 8th grade high school folder! This is my best friend, Ashley and I. So many great memories!
I can't wait to get my layouts in the mail and put them in my albums! It will be my first time having a digi page printed and I'm excited to actually hold the layout in my hands! Hope you all have a great Thursday!

Monday, February 7

Another Productive Weekend

I got so much scrap booking done yesterday! I would estimate that I could finish my stack of printed pictures with maybe another dozen pages or so. I complete 6 pages yesterday while watching TV and thought that I would again share them all with you! Pretty soon I won't even have any pictures to scrap with!
Thanks for stopping by this Monday! 

Wednesday, February 2


I'm selling a bunch of stamps that I don't use/need anymore!
You can find them all here...prices do not include shipping.
I will ship with flat rate boxes and will combine stamps into one order.
Let me know if you are interested!

Tuesday, February 1

1 day down...29 to go!

I started the 30 Day Shred today!!! Wow, it kicked my butt! But, (haha get it...butt...but)..ok anyways! But, I need to really get in shape with the wedding and honeymoon coming up. I've also been really tired of my out of shape body for a long time and want to have more energy and feel better about myself long after the wedding. Wish me luck!!!